Brain and Memories!

We know that our brains are the same as they where 10.000 generations ago. Not bigger or smarter. Difference is just the information.
We also know that time is just an invention we use to put our memories in order.
We also know that life only exist in this very split second. Everything else is just a bad recording of life saved in your head.

Our body is actually a surveillance camera covering and recording what we see and hear 24/7 of life. 
As it is a lot of information your brain sort and delete most of it when you sleep. It will save the things you been concentrate on during the day. 

So why is that a bad recording? 
Because the brain fill in all empty spots by it self. Meaning that what you think happened wasn't actually 100% the truth.

What Im saying here is reading my blog can have a slight difference story than other people who was present at the time as they had a different recording of that moment. 

There are no right or wrong versions, only personal.

So life can be like a train we all in this dimension is travelling in, scanning whats happening when we pass..
